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The Extension office provides assistance and programs for the community without discrimination in five main areas: 4-H Youth Programs, Agriculture, Community Health, Horticulture, and Small Acreage Management.


The Sheep Project is designed for those 4-H members who want to learn more about raising sheep. Choose whether the project would be for wool, breeding or meat production. For more information click on the the Sheep Project Level Overview & Tips button below.

Members should purchase a sheep resource manual when they sign up for the sheep project.


We are ready to help and support you in your 4-H livestock journey.

Staci Andersen (Volunteer)
Boulder County Fair Sheep
Project Superintendent
Brenda Kwang
County Specialist CSU Extension
4-H Youth Development Livestock & Animals
Boulder County




Visit the 4-H State WebsiteSelect your project type (e.g., Animal, STEM, Home Design). After selecting the project type, you’ll see a list of specific projects (e.g., Horse, Dog, Photography). Click on your specific project to access manuals and e-record book links.

4-H Record Books are also called e-Records. Each project has its own record book that members are required to complete each year. Record books have a few times to be checked on progress throughout the year:
1. June- your 4-H leader will be sure your books are started and up to date.
2. Prior to showing at the Boulder County Fair, your record books will be checked by your superintendent to be sure they are up to date and complete as can be in order to participate and show at the fair.
3. Final Livestock record books are due to be received at the extension office by the second Thursday in September. (please note: your 4-H Leader may need an earlier deadline for review and signatures.)



Listed below are some simple checklist steps to be sure you are prepared and ready for the day. 

Notification:  TAG-IN, RETINAL SCAN, & WEIGH-IN  

Livestock:  Market Lambs & Market Goats

Where:  Boulder County Fairgrounds, BARN C

When:  Thursday, May 8th, 2025, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. (Time spots reserved- see signup sheet)



We will be utilizing the drive-through process in Barn C. Please be prepared before your arrival. (Traffic will go from EAST TO WEST IN BARN C)


  • Male market animals must be castrated or banded
  • All Animals must have scrapie tags (Sale Committee Rule)
  • Market goats must be dehorned or have horns “tipped” before exhibiting
  • Premises ID must be provided
  • Paperwork should be completed PRIOR to coming to the fairgrounds
  • $5 per tag – cash or check
  • Take a photo of your paperwork before turning it into staff. It is your responsibility to be sure your animals are identified, tagged and forms completed correctly.


EXIT FAIRGROUNDS NORTH and drive in front of the Outdoor arena.

Be prepared-

Fill out the tag-in form for market sheep or market goats or both.  It is also available at the 4-H Extension website

Tag Fees-

There is a $5.00 fee for each tag.  Staff will be collecting the fees and will be located at end of Barn C. (Exact cash appreciated)

Traffic Flow- see attached diagram

  1. Enter from the EAST fairground entrance and go to the EAST SIDE OF BARN C

Follow signs- There will be ONE EAST side entry point into BARN C. (we will try to have two entries, so watch for signs) Stop before entering to be sure your paperwork is complete.

  1. If you forgot your paperwork at home, get new forms and complete prior to coming into the barns.

Once paperwork is completed (All except ear tag numbers), drive into barn.

Animals should be removed from the vehicle/trailer for tagging & retinal scan and weighing.

Sheep and Goats will both be weighed this year. They are required to have halter/lead rope on each one of them. Please be prepared with enough halters for each animal so we can move through process quickly.

Exit WEST Upon completion of tag-in, drive outside of the barn to park, turn in tag-in forms, and pay.




Scrapies Tags:

How do I get scrapies tags for my sheep or goats?

Request your FREE tags and tagger, just call 866-USDA-TAG 866-873-2824.

If you are planning on exhibiting/selling any female sheep/goats; sexually intact male sheep/goats OR own any sheep/goats older than 18 months old in Colorado you will need tags. It is recommended to have tags in place by Market Nomination day so you know you are good for fair and required to be eligible to show/sell goats or sheep at the Boulder County Fair.