Welcome to 4-H in Boulder County!
Our 4-H year runs from October – September.
(Add/Drop date is the last Thursday in April)
New to 4-H?
These steps outline most of what you can expect during your 4-H year, but there are many exciting events and activities that are not included in this brief rundown. Rest assured, there is plenty of fun to be had in 4-H!
STEP 1 EXPLORING 4-H PROJECTS Start out by exploring our 4-H Projects page. 4-H projects are hands-on learning experiences that are designed to help youth develop new skills and interests in a variety of subject areas. Each project has its own curriculum and activities designed to help members learn new skills and develop their interests while incorporating the 4-H motto: “To make the best better.” Look over the project list and ask your child what they want to learn about, that’s their project! | STEP 2 JOIN A CLUB Next, you will want to take a look at our 4-H Club Page. On this page, you will find our club list, each with its own set of interests and activities. Once you find a club that matches your interest, contact the Club Leader. | STEP 3 ENROLL Enroll or Re-enroll in 4-H by completing your online enrollment through 4-H Online, you will be notified by email that your enrollment is “pending”. (Check junk mail for this email) You will pay your club leader or use our online payment option. |
STEP 4 CLUB MEETINGS Start attending meetings and learn about your 4-H Projects. Meetings look different in every club, but this is a great time for you to interact with your club members and leaders. You will possibly be creating some lifelong friendships with the people you are surrounded by in club meetings! Next, you will want to take a look at our Newsletter and Calendar. You’ll want to attend the Workshops that are offered for your project. Workshops are specifically geared to assist with specific projects, so this will be very helpful to you. You will also get the opportunity to meet other members who are working on the same project you are working on. | STEP 5 RECORD BOOKS Record Books: A 4-H record book is a written summary of a 4-H member’s accomplishments, experiences, and goals throughout the year. It is a tool for 4-H members to reflect on their learning, set goals, and document their progress in various areas of 4-H involvement, such as project work, leadership, community service, and personal development. They typically include a cover page, personal information, project records, photos, activity summaries, leadership and citizenship records, and a reflection on the 4-H experience. Some record books may also include other supporting materials to illustrate the member’s work and growth. Your club leader will be able to assist with it. | STEP 6 EXHIBIT YOUR PROJECT Exhibit your project. One option is to show your project at the Boulder County Fair. Exhibiting your project means an opportunity to showcase your hard work, skills, and knowledge gained through your project. It is a chance for you to display your animals, crafts, foods, and other projects to the public and judges, and receive recognition for your achievements. Exhibiting a project provides 4-H members with an opportunity to learn sportsmanship, gain confidence, and develop valuable communication skills. |
CLOVERBUDS Our youngest 4-H’ers aren’t quite ready to participate in many of the project areas and/or activities that older children do such as caring for or showing animals, shooting sports activities, launching rockets, or baking. But there is still plenty for them to do in 4-H, starting with fun! Cloverbuds is an exciting 4-H program for 5, 6, or 7-year-old children. Check out the section below for more information. |
Enrollment fee schedule:
Fees for participation in 4-H for the year are as follows:
- 4-H Member Enrollment—$40.00. Late fee for returning members if after last Thursday in January – $20.00
- Cloverbud Enrollment—$40.00
- A separate charge for manuals. Please consult your Club Leader
- Shooting Sports fee – $20.00 fee payable to your club leaders along with t-shirt size. Please continue to monitor the Shooting Sports program for State issued changes.
- Second Club enrollment— no additional fee
- Family maximum payment for enrollment — $ 120.00. Late fee for returning families if after last Thursday in January – $180.00
- Leaders – Current Leaders—no charge; New Leaders — $5.00 for background check
- Scholarships – There are needs-based enrollment scholarships available upon request. Applications can be found at Enroll in 4-H; or contact the Extension office for details.
- Members and Leaders will be “active” in 4-H Online once the forms and fees have been turned in by the Club Leader to the Extension Office.
Questions? Contact the Extension Office 4hinfo@bouldercounty.org.
4-H is the nation’s largest youth development and empowerment organization. Fueled by a research-based, university-backed curriculum, 4-H members engage in hands-on learning in the areas of science, healthy living, and food safety.
Boulder County 4-H has 18 clubs with more than 500 members and 150 volunteers! Whether you live in an urban, suburban or rural area, or are interested in animals, shooting sports, cooking, or robotics, we have something for you!
4-H provides a unique environment where youth can try new things, make new friends, and discover new possibilities. Through 4-H, your child will explore leadership, teamwork, citizenship, and community service. The values and skills that youth gain as a 4-Her will help them become their best selves today and in the future.
4-H gives youth the chance to discover what they want to do and who they want to be, to connect with others in a supportive environment and to take action to make the world a better place. There is something for everyone in 4-H with projects ranging from hands-on science to art activities to exploring the outdoors and their own community. Projects are hands-on to engage youth to expand their knowledge and life skills.
Clubs are available across the county. You will see that different clubs focus on different projects and meet on a variety of schedules. Please contact the leader of the club you are interested in and go to a meeting. Visit several and choose the one that best fits your schedule and needs. Sometimes, the best club for you is not the closest. If you have trouble contacting a leader/or would like information on starting your own 4-H club, please contact the Extension office (303) 678-6238.
Leaders have enrollment information so that you can sign up directly with them. They are also very knowledgeable about the program and details of the projects. We suggest signing up for only one or two projects during the first year until you get comfortable with the 4-H program.
Beyond the club level, there are a variety of county, state, national, and international opportunities/events. To name a few, 4-H offers:
- County 4-H Youth Council – Youth and adults work together to provide input and leadership on county 4-H events
- County & State Fair – competitive events where members’ projects are judged
- 4-H National Trips & Statewide Camps – National trips include Citizen Washington Focus, 4-H Congress, and National 4-H Roundup. Statewide camps include Leadership Development Conference, Colorado Leadership Camp, and State 4-H Conference.
- International 4-H Exchange Program – Opportunities may include Australia, Finland, Germany and Japan
- National 4-H Program
Special 4-H Programs in Boulder County
- Cloverbud Project & Club (children 5 – 7 years old)
- Lease-An-Animal (members who can’t keep livestock)
- School Enrichment & 4-H Outreach
- STEM/STEAM 4-H promotes 1 million new scientists!
Colorado 4-H Mission
4-H empowers youth to reach their full potential by working and learning in partnership with caring adults.
Colorado 4-H Vision
A world in which youth and adults learn, grow, and work together

4-H Pledge
I pledge…..
My head to clearer thinking,
My heart to greater loyalty,
My hands to larger service,
My health to better living
for my club, my community,
my country and my world.
4-H Motto
“To Make the Best Better.” Its intent is to inspire young people to continue to learn and grow, to make their best efforts better through participating in educational experiences. The 4-H motto supports the Colorado 4-H YDP mission of engaging youth in reaching their fullest potential.”
4HOnline is a fully integrated management system that brings together all levels of the 4-H experience. Whether it’s a member logging in to manage their record, a club leader printing mailing labels, or a county agent approving a member’s enrollment, 4HOnline brings the 4-H community together and keeps everyone involved.
About Colorado 4-H Colorado 4-H is America’s largest youth development organization, having supported almost six million youth across the country thus far. 4-H reaches over 110,000 youth in Colorado annually, helping them to become confident, independent, resilient, and compassionate leaders. 4-H is delivered by Colorado State University Extension – a community of more than 100 public universities across the nation that provides experiences where young people learn by doing hands-on projects in areas including health, science, agriculture, and citizenship. Colorado 4-H’s network of over 10,000 volunteers and almost 100 4-H professionals and staff members, provides caring and supportive mentoring to all 4-H’ers, helping them to grow into true leaders, entrepreneurs, and visionaries.
Fair Board Come join in the excitement of planning the Boulder County Fair! We’re looking for talented and conscientious volunteer board members to lead and strengthen our programs at the Fair. If you can contribute your time, thoughtfulness, and leadership one evening a month along with 4 general meetings during the year and are interested in exploring this opportunity, complete an application. To find out whether this volunteer opportunity is right for you or if you have any questions, please contact the Fair Office, 720-864-6460 or info@bouldercountyfair.org.
Colorado 4-H International Programs Programs include short-term Summer Inbound and Outbound programs which are four weeks during the Summer and immerse our members ages 12 to 18 with life in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Romania, Norway, Finland, and Costa Rica. And a three to six-month program where delegates live and work with host families through the Colorado 4-H International Exchange (IFYE) for young adults ages 18 to 30.
You do not need to be enrolled in a horse project to participate. All 4-H ages are welcome, experience is not required!
- Boulder County Hippology – Coach: Donna Pattee ~ 303-482-7581
- Boulder County Horse Bowl – Coach: Carmen Porter ~ 303-885-5702
- Boulder County Horse Judging – Coach: Kendra McConnell ~ 303-956-2885
Boulder County 4-H offers in-school opportunities that combine the 4-H curriculum with school standards for a low cost. Potential projects include STEAM/STEAM activities, home economics, gardening, beekeeping, model rocketry, art, citizenship, nutrition, etc. Any of our state projects can be modified for the classroom setting. Check out Colorado State 4-H Projects for more ideas.
Are you interested in volunteering as a host or leading a Boulder County 4-H in-school, after-school, community or neighborhood setting? We provide training, curriculum, and materials. Call: Faith Kroschel at (303) 678-6387 or email fkroschel@bouldercounty.org or request an event here.
Embryology – $50
Embryology is a fun, rewarding and educational project! The study of embryos is a great way to observe the development of life in just three short weeks by hatching chickens right in your classroom. The project provides numerous opportunities for children to learn the value of life through their observations and information about chickens, eggs and embryonic development.
The fee includes two instructional visits with the classroom, curriculum manual to borrow, 1 dozen fertilized eggs, use of our incubator, heat lamp, feeder and waterer, and a small bag of chick food. We will take the hatched chicks and return them to the farmer who supplied the eggs or a 4-H member. We are limited on incubators, so they are available on a first come – first serve basis.
- Ages: Grades 1-12 (suited best for late grade school/ middle school)
- Duration: 21 Days (Spring 2023)
- Cost: $50: Cash or Check accepted, payable to Boulder County Extension/ 4-H
- Email: fkroschel@bouldercounty.org
Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer with the Boulder County 4-H program. Applications to become a volunteer must be completed within the current 4-H year (Oct 1 – Sept 30) or applicants will need to repeat the process.
1. Online Enrollment
Apply to become a leader by enrolling on 4-H Online. Detailed instructions can be found at Boulder4H.org or by referencing “How do I Enroll on 4-H Online” for detailed instructions.
2. Background Check
You will be asked to provide background information when you enroll on 4-H Online. Watch for an email from HireRight. (Make sure to check your junk/spam). Follow the instructions on the email right away as the email will expire after two days.
3. Positive References
When you enroll on 4-H Online, you will be asked to provide the contact information (full address) for three references (known for at least two years, only one per household, no family). To speed up the process, please contact your references. Ask them to watch for a PDF form by email and to return it quickly.
4. Online Training
Complete all four training modules. Go to http://campus.extension.org and find the login box on the left. If you have an account then log in with your username and password. Note: (Most will need to create a new account.)
When approved, you will receive a letter in the mail from Boulder County Extension.
Questions? Contact Lisa Wallace
- Email: lwallace@bouldercounty.org
- Phone: 303-678-6384
- Address: Boulder County Extension, 9595 Nelson Rd, Box B, Longmont CO 80501
You are not an authorized Boulder County 4-H Leader until ALL of these steps are completed and confirmed. Do not work directly with youth until you are authorized to do so. You are personally liable unless you are an authorized leader. When you are an authorized leader and are not negligent, you have liability protection as a 4-H volunteer provided by Colorado State University.
The last day to enroll or change your project in Boulder County is the last Thursday of April. Anyone enrolling in 4-H after this date will not be eligible to show your project at the County or State Fair. You may still enroll and sign up for our Discovery 4-H project. You will present to your club (or wherever else you decide with your club leader) and you will submit your record book on this project. We also have several other events you can attend and participate in.
FairEntry is the system the Boulder County Fair uses to allow people to sign up to show at their fair.
Our 4-H members will use FairEntry to sign up to show their projects at the fair. If you need help or have questions book a time to speak with Jeannie, she will be able to walk you through it or answer questions. Here is a tips sheet.
Cloverbuds in Boulder County
Boulder County Cloverbud Program Information Page
Cloverbud Leader: |
Karli Hardesty ~ karlihardesty@gmail.com |
Who are Cloverbud 4-H’ers?
Our youngest 4-H’ers aren’t quite ready to participate in many of the project areas and/or activities that older children do such as caring for or showing animals, shooting sports activities, launching rockets or baking. But there is still plenty for them to do in 4-H, starting with fun! Cloverbuds is an exciting 4-H program for 5, 6, or 7-year-old children.
The emphasis is on participation, learning, and teamwork, not competition. They might learn about nutrition while helping to prepare simple snacks, plant seeds, and learn what to do to help them grow or decorate a cake to learn about elements of design and planning.
What do Cloverbuds do?
Cloverbuds are members of a 4-H club with a trained leader. Not all 4-H clubs have a Cloverbuds leader, so look for one that does. The youth participate in activities and special workshops and events throughout the year such as demonstrations, community service, and being a part of a team.
Cloverbuds focuses on a curriculum that can be used at home or with a club.
Cloverbud Activities
Cloverbuds can participate in many 4-H activities. Activities include Participation in 4-H clubs, 4-H Fashion Revue, 4-H Carnival, Cat Show (stuffed cat only), Demonstration/Speech with club or participation at county contest, Creative Cooks, Performing Arts, Cake Decorating, Cloverbud Camp, and Cloverbud Kits.
Limitations of Cloverbuds
Cloverbud-aged children have limitations in what they can do physically, understand mentally, grasp emotionally, and how they interact socially, therefor activities for Cloverbuds are designed for youth ages 5-7. Special consideration is given to ensure emotional and physical safety. Activities that Cloverbuds do not participate in are:
- Shooting sports
- Raising animals
- Baking
- Launching rockets
Meet your 4-H Team:

4-H Youth Development/ Outreach County Specialist
(303) 678-6387

4-H Youth Development/ Livestock & Animals County Specialist
(303) 678-6381

4-H Project Assistant
(303) 678-6384

4-H Program Secretary
(303) 678-6378
Key 4-H Pages
- 4-H Enrollment
- 4-H Clubs
- 4-H Projects
- 4-H Shooting Sports
- 4-H Livestock General Information
- 4-H Animal ID
- 4-H Rabbit Project
- 4-H Cavy Project
- 4-H Dog Project
- 4-H Cat Project
- 4-H Poultry Project
- 4-H Horse Project
- 4-H Beef Project
- 4-H Swine Project
- 4-H Sheep Project
- 4-H Dairy Cattle Project
- 4-H Dairy Goat Project
- 4-H Market/Breeding Goats Project
- 4-H Utility Goat Project
- 4-H Volunteer Enrollment
- 4-H Outreach
- 4-H Youth Council & Leadership
- 4-H County Policies
- 4-H Scholarships
- 4-H Legacy Fund – Donate:
- 4-H Leader Resources