Cavies, more commonly known as guinea pigs, are easy-to-care-for household pets and are a great way for young people of all ages to get involved in livestock projects in 4-H. In the 4-H Cavy Project, enrolled members will learn how to perform health checks on their animals, how to care for their animal through nutrition and other practices, how to show their animal, and gain general knowledge about the diverse breeds that make up the cavy family. All animals and family pets are welcome in this project. Come ready to learn more about your animal/s and share in the joy that is cavy ownership! |
We are ready to help and support you in your 4-H livestock journey.

Boulder County Fair Cavy
Project Superintendent

County Specialist CSU Extension
4-H Youth Development Livestock & Animals
Boulder County

Visit the 4-H State Website. Select your project type (e.g., Animal, STEM, Home Design).After selecting the project type, you’ll see a list of specific projects (e.g., Horse, Dog, Photography).Click on your specific project to access manuals and e-record book links.
RECORD BOOKS/E-RECORDS: 4-H Record Books are also called e-Records. Each project has its own record book that members are required to complete each year. Record books have a few times to be checked on progress throughout the year: 1. June- your 4-H leader will be sure your books are started and up to date. 2. Prior to showing at the Boulder County Fair, your record books will be checked by your superintendent to be sure they are up to date and complete as can be in order to participate and show at the fair. 3. Final Companion Animal record books are due to be received at the extension office by the second Thursday in September. (please note: your 4-H Leader may need an earlier deadline for review and signatures.) |
Project Learning Resources:
- 4-H offers a Cavy Resources Handbook for new members 4-H Cavy Resources Handbook (**This is usually ordered through your 4-H Leader)
- ARBA offer a Standard of Perfection Guide 2021-2025 – ARBA as well as the ARBA website.
- There are also numerous YouTube videos that illustrate 4-H Cavy health checks for reference.
Additional Project Information:
Members must be enrolled in the Cavy Project through 4-H as well as be members in good standing of a 4-H club.
Members must complete a 4-H Livestock Record book.
Members must own their animals. This project is meant to be a place where cavy owners of all ages may learn more about their animals regardless of their cavy’s breeding. Cross-breeds and family pets are welcome in the Boulder County 4-H Cavy Project.
The Cavy Project Superintendent will arrange periodic workshops to coach members on cavy husbandry, provide learning opportunities about what to expect at the Boulder County Fair competition, and assist with record book development. The workshops will also provide members an opportunity to work together to develop skills and knowledge.
Boulder County Fair Protocols:
- Typically, the Cavy show at the Boulder County Fair is a two day event. At the time of check-in, members will need to bring their animal/animals, an appropriate cage, bedding, food and water, and a cloth to cover the cage if needed.
- Members must have an up-to-date record book for this project at the time of check-in.
- Ear tags or tattoos are not required for this show, but all animals must have photos (front, rear, both sides) on file to properly identify if needed.
- Cavies will be examined by a fair veterinarian to ensure the health of the animal before for the fair.
- Members will be responsible for animal maintenance, feeding/watering, and general care over the period of time that their animals are at the fairgrounds.
- Members may compete in Conformation and Showmanship events in the Cavy Project. First and Second place winners in Showmanship will have the opportunity to compete in the fair’s Small Animal Round Robin competition.
- Animals and members will be released from the fair by the Cavy Superintendent upon completion of the Cavy Show.
Key 4-H Pages
- 4-H Enrollment
- 4-H Clubs
- 4-H Projects
- 4-H Shooting Sports
- 4-H Livestock General Information
- 4-H Animal ID
- 4-H Rabbit Project
- 4-H Cavy Project
- 4-H Dog Project
- 4-H Cat Project
- 4-H Poultry Project
- 4-H Horse Project
- 4-H Beef Project
- 4-H Swine Project
- 4-H Sheep Project
- 4-H Dairy Cattle Project
- 4-H Dairy Goat Project
- 4-H Market/Breeding Goats Project
- 4-H Utility Goat Project
- 4-H Volunteer Enrollment
- 4-H Outreach
- 4-H Youth Council & Leadership
- 4-H County Policies
- 4-H Scholarships
- 4-H Legacy Fund – Donate:
- 4-H Leader Resources