Your Information Source for Home Gardening, Landscape & Professional Horticulture
The Master Gardener help desk in Boulder County is open for phone calls, emails. Email them to, or contact by phone at 303-678-6388. Get help from a wide variety of Online Publications, our Ask an Expert option is a nation-wide volunteer program designed to answer all of your gardening questions, horticulture blogs through the CSU Extension community, Planttalk Colorado™ videos and more. We offer Plant Diagnostic Services, Green Industry support, HOA site visits, Lawn Check and Tree Team visits as well.
The Boulder County Fairgrounds has several demonstration gardens, a community garden and various trial plots to visit. All are free and open to the public from dawn till dusk.
Would you like landscape guidance for your HOA or business? We offer support for the Green Industry with expert advice, site visits and classes.
Are you interested in gaining knowledge and helping others? If yes, the Colorado Master Gardener program is for you! Boulder County has one of the largest Boulder County Master Gardener programs in the state. In addition, classes and workshops are offered for those interested in native plants, insects, vegetable and xeric gardening. Look to our Teamup calendar for current activities.
Events & Opportunities
Let’s Grow Together – Teamup calendar
Colorado Grow & Give

Grow & Give – Colorado Master Gardener
PlantTalk Colorado
Planttalk Colorado™ is sponsored by Colorado State University Extension, Denver Botanic Gardens, and the Green Industries of Colorado. Link to Planttalk for information on over 500 horticulture topics from Colorado horticulturists and professionals.
Timely PlantTalk Videos
Click on the links below to learn more about the following:
- Flowers
- Herbs/Fruits/Vegetables
- Houseplants
- Irrigation
- Lawns
- Rain Barrels
- Trees/Shrubs
- Trial Garden Winners
- Miscellaneous
Overseeding Your Lawn by Dr. Alison O’Connor. Alison offers a few simple steps to overseed bare spots in your lawn. |
Clearing Your Veggie Garden. Cleaning up the veggie garden in fall following a hard freeze can pay off next year. Find out helpful tips to keep your garden healthy for specific insects and disease. |
Planting Bulbs in Fall – Produced by Tagawa Gardens. Garden Bulbs love our environment and are easy to grow in Colorado. |
Planting Garlic by Dr. Alison O’Connor. Plant garlic in the fall for a July harvest |
Winter Rose Bush Care by Luan Akin, and certified arborist and Tagawa Nursery staff member, Mike Landers. Learn how to use rose collars to protect your roses from harsh winter conditions, plus other tips for helping your rose bushes through the winter. |
Resources en Español
Consultation Services
Call the Boulder County Extension office main desk at 303-678-6238 for consultation services including Site Visits, Plant ID, Disease Diagnosis, Problem Solving Help.