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The Extension office provides assistance and programs for the community without discrimination in five main areas: 4-H Youth Programs, Agriculture, Community Health, Horticulture, and Small Acreage Management.

4-H BEEF PROJECT   arrow

The beef project provides an excellent opportunity to learn about an important industry in Colorado and the rest of the nation.

4-H members will gain exposure to all aspects of the beef industry, either by directly caring for a calf or by learning about beef through the breeding project.

Youth in the Beef project interact with research-based information that encourages confidence, character-building, industry knowledge, and sportsmanship. Youth will learn how to properly care for an animal and how to keep accurate records. 4-H members may carry either a market beef or manage a breeding animal at any project level.

Project levels are designed for members 8-18 years old, junior, intermediate and senior. This project is an excellent way to learn about the different phases of the beef industry.


We are ready to help and support you in your 4-H livestock journey.

Jenea DeQuasie (Volunteer)
Boulder County Fair Beef
Project Superintendent
Ronda Weber(Volunteer)
Beef Project Assistant
Brenda Kwang
County Specialist CSU Extension
4-H Youth Development Livestock & Animals
Boulder County




Please review the available slots and click on the button to sign up. Please select one slot per trailer up to 3 head of cattle. If you have more than three heads, you must select another adjacent time spot. Example: 6 steers in one trailer = 30 minutes reserved together. Sign up with your full name and the number of animals. Please be on time for your chosen time slot. Members who are late will be accommodated as possible (you may have to wait.)

Obtain a brand inspection of your animals IN THE 4-H MEMBER’S NAME. Even if the animal was born on your property, you need to have a brand inspector write a brand paper for you in your 4-H member’s name (not a parent’s name)

Download and print the “State Fair Nomination Form” that we use for ALL BOULDER COUNTY Market Beef- complete this form.

Get a Colorado Premise Identification number (LID#) where your animal lives. Each member must have a Premise identification number or Colorado Location Identification Number to participate in the Boulder County Fair. This is the location where your animal is housed. Obtain a premise ID or call 303-869-9130.

If you have miniature beef cattle, have the miniature breed verification form completed by your breeder and bring it with you.

  • Sign up for a time for tag day
  • Obtain a brand inspection of your animals IN THE 4-H MEMBER’S NAME. Even if the animal was born on your property, you need to have a brand inspector write a brand paper for you in your 4-H member’s name (not a parent’s name)
  • Download and print the “State Fair Nomination Form” that we use for ALL BOULDER COUNTY Market Beef- complete this form.
  • Get a Colorado Premise Identification number (LID#) where your animal lives. Each member must have a Premise identification number or Colorado Location Identification Number to participate in the Boulder County Fair. This is the location where your animal is housed. Obtain a premise ID or call 303-869-9130.
  • If you have miniature beef cattle, have the miniature breed verification form completed by your breeder and bring it with you.
  • Bring $4 cash per animal tag if needed.


Visit the 4-H State WebsiteSelect your project type (e.g., Animal, STEM, Home Design). After selecting the project type, you’ll see a list of specific projects (e.g., Horse, Dog, Photography). Click on your specific project to access manuals and e-record book links.

4-H Record Books are also called e-Records. Each project has its own record book that members are required to complete each year. Record books have a few times to be checked on progress throughout the year:
1. June- your 4-H leader will be sure your books are started and up to date.
2. Prior to showing at the Boulder County Fair, your record books will be checked by your superintendent to be sure they are up to date and complete as can be in order to participate and show at the fair.
3. Final Livestock record books are due to be received at the extension office by the second Thursday in September. (please note: your 4-H Leader may need an earlier deadline for review and signatures.)





All project manuals are received through the Extension office. These will be distributed to 4-H members through their organizational leaders (club leaders) after enrollment is complete. For more information on enrollment visit Join 4-H.


  • Miniature Beef Breed Verification Form – DOC | PDF
  • Market Beef Nomination Form (Updated 02/13/2023)- DOC | PDF
  • LSF Quality Assurance Form – 2022 DOC | PDF


What is ACMQA (Animal Care and Meat Quality Assurance)?

ACMQA is a vital event for our 4-H members in Boulder County. It’s like a special training day that teaches young participants how to responsibly care for and prepare their animals for sale at the county fair or other livestock events. It focuses on two key aspects: ensuring the well-being of animals and maintaining meat quality.

Why Should Your 4-H Members Attend ACMQA?

Animal Welfare: ACMQA teaches young members how to properly care for their animals, ensuring their health and happiness. This is not only good for the animals but also a valuable life skill.

Market Readiness: They’ll learn how to get their animals ready for sale, which is essential if they plan to participate in the county fair or similar events. This can help them achieve better prices and recognition for their hard work.

Mandatory Training: Junior exhibitors must complete ACMQA training before they exhibit a livestock project for the first time. They also need to repeat the training the year following their 14th birthday. This requirement ensures that all participants are well-prepared and knowledgeable.

Knowledge and Responsibility: Attending ACMQA helps our young members become responsible animal caregivers. They’ll gain knowledge in areas like disease prevention, nutrition, and record-keeping, which can be applied beyond their 4-H projects.

Community and Learning: It’s a great opportunity to meet other 4-H members, share experiences, and learn from experts in the field. The event fosters a sense of community and encourages learning and growth.

In summary, ACMQA is a vital event for 4-H members because it equips them with the knowledge and skills needed to care for their animals responsibly and prepare them for market. It’s about ensuring the well-being of the animals, fostering a sense of responsibility, and providing opportunities for learning and community engagement.


  • Decision Making
  • Feed Mixing
  • Injection Site Lesions
  • Medication Label Handout
  • Moving Livestock
  • MQA Policy
  • Understanding Medication Labels


  • Meat Judging Opportunities
  • MQA/Animal Care Training

Colorado Simmental Association

Colorado Simmental Association awards the youth who exhibit the overall market, breeding or open show grand champion at their county fair, whose project is registered Simmental genetics. County fairs must be held in Colorado. The winning animal must be registered Simmental or registered 1/2 blood Simmental or higher to qualify. All applications for awards must be signed by your county Extension agent. Colorado Simmental Award Application