The 4-H Utility Goat project provides youth a fun and hands-on learning experience that develops both goat subject skills (such as nutrition, housing, conformation, and health care) and life skills (such as responsibility, decision-making, nurturing, and communications) under the direction of caring adults.
Utility goats are any breed of goat that can be taught to hike, do obstacle courses and/or pull carts. They are often the castrated male goats (wethers) from dairy or market goat breeds but can be from any breed and can also include does. The 4-H Utility Goat project can provide you with the opportunity to learn how to handle and train goats that might otherwise not have a useful purpose. They are taught skills from carrying a pack on a hike to pulling a cart in a parade or for doing farm chores. These goats can become wonderful companions and pets as well.
The Utility Goat project is a great way for members to learn about animal husbandry and livestock practices with a pet goat in their backyard or on their family farm.
Members will receive a manual when they sign up for a goat project. For more information. Project levels are designed for members 8-18 years old, junior, intermediate and senior.
In Boulder County we have several different goat projects youth may participate in as their 4-H Projects. In addition to utility goats, these projects are:
We are ready to help and support you in your 4-H livestock journey.

Boulder County Fair Utility Goat
Project Superintendent

County Specialist CSU Extension
4-H Youth Development Livestock & Animals
Boulder County
Visit the 4-H State Website. Select your project type (e.g., Animal, STEM, Home Design). After selecting the project type, you’ll see a list of specific projects (e.g., Horse, Dog, Photography). Click on your specific project to access manuals and e-record book links.
RECORD BOOKS/E-RECORDS: 4-H Record Books are also called e-Records. Each project has its own record book that members are required to complete each year. Record books have a few times to be checked on progress throughout the year: 1. June- your 4-H leader will be sure your books are started and up to date. 2. Prior to showing at the Boulder County Fair, your record books will be checked by your superintendent to be sure they are up to date and complete as can be in order to participate and show at the fair. 3. Final Livestock record books are due to be received at the extension office by the second Thursday in September. (please note: your 4-H Leader may need an earlier deadline for review and signatures.) |
- Animal Care Form
- Breed Verification Form
- LSF Quality Assurance Form 2022 PDF | DOC
- Market Animal Budget Planner
- Common Animal Disease Chart
- Lost ID Protocol
- Colorado Scrapies ID Information
- Scrapies Fact Sheet
- Scrapie Requirements for Going to “The Show”
Scrapies Requirements:
Scrapie is a disease of the central nervous system in sheep and goats. It is always fatal (always results in death), and there is no cure for it. Sheep and goats are usually exposed to it when they are newborns, but don’t show symptoms until they are older, sometimes not for five years! All sheep and goat producers, including 4-H’ers, must help to eradicate this disease.
What you need to know: Registered goats may use officially approved unique tattoo numbers instead of scrapie ear tags. A lot of dairy goats/utility goats are registered through ADGA and have tattoos. Goats ID’d using tattoo and no scrapies tag must present registration papers correlating with tattoo during the animal id process. If goats are not registered with papers, they need a scrapies tag.
How do I get scrapies tags for my goats?
Request your FREE tags and tagger, just call 866-USDA-TAG 866-873-2824.
If you are planning on exhibiting/selling any female sheep/goats; sexually intact male sheep/goats OR own any sheep/goats older than 18 months old in Colorado you will need tags. It is recommended to have tags in place by Animal id deadlines so you know you are good for fair and required to be eligible to show/sell goats at the Boulder County Fair.
Check out the latest videos for the Goat Project
Get Ready for Kidding Workshop: This video covers doe care prior to kidding, what to have in your kidding kit, what to expect during the event, and how to care for newborn kids.
Scrapies Tags:
How do I get scrapies tags for my goats?
Request your FREE tags and tagger, just call 866-USDA-TAG 866-873-2824.
If you are planning on exhibiting/selling any female sheep/goats; sexually intact male sheep/goats OR own any sheep/goats older than 18 months old in Colorado you will need tags. It is recommended to have tags in place by Market Nomination day so you know you are good for fair and required to be eligible to show/sell goats at the Boulder County Fair.
* If we are unable to tag or retail scan in vehicle or trailer, there will be 2 pens setup to hold your market animal.
Key 4-H Pages
- 4-H Enrollment
- 4-H Clubs
- 4-H Projects
- 4-H Shooting Sports
- 4-H Livestock General Information
- 4-H Animal ID
- 4-H Rabbit Project
- 4-H Cavy Project
- 4-H Dog Project
- 4-H Cat Project
- 4-H Poultry Project
- 4-H Horse Project
- 4-H Beef Project
- 4-H Swine Project
- 4-H Sheep Project
- 4-H Dairy Cattle Project
- 4-H Dairy Goat Project
- 4-H Market/Breeding Goats Project
- 4-H Utility Goat Project
- 4-H Volunteer Enrollment
- 4-H Outreach
- 4-H Youth Council & Leadership
- 4-H County Policies
- 4-H Scholarships
- 4-H Legacy Fund – Donate:
- 4-H Leader Resources