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The Extension office provides assistance and programs for the community without discrimination in five main areas: 4-H Youth Programs, Agriculture, Community Health, Horticulture, and Small Acreage Management.


The 4-H Swine project is an excellent way to learn about an important industry. Through this project, you can learn about all aspects of the pork industry by raising a market or breeding animal. Project Overview & Tips
Members will receive a printed resource manual when they sign up for a swine project. Project levels are designed for members 8-18 years old, junior, intermediate and senior.


We are ready to help and support you in your 4-H livestock journey.

Ronda Weber(Volunteer)
Boulder County Fair Swine
Project Superintendent
Brenda Kwang
County Specialist CSU Extension
4-H Youth Development Livestock & Animals
Boulder County




Visit the 4-H State WebsiteSelect your project type (e.g., Animal, STEM, Home Design). After selecting the project type, you’ll see a list of specific projects (e.g., Horse, Dog, Photography). Click on your specific project to access manuals and e-record book links.

4-H Record Books are also called e-Records. Each project has its own record book that members are required to complete each year. Record books have a few times to be checked on progress throughout the year:
1. June- your 4-H leader will be sure your books are started and up to date.
2. Prior to showing at the Boulder County Fair, your record books will be checked by your superintendent to be sure they are up to date and complete as can be in order to participate and show at the fair.
3. Final Livestock record books are due to be received at the extension office by the second Thursday in September. (please note: your 4-H Leader may need an earlier deadline for review and signatures.)




All project manuals are received through the Extension office. These will be distributed to 4-H members through their organizational leaders (club leaders) after enrollment is complete. For more information on enrollment visit Join 4-H.

Additional Resources


In order to nominate market swine for the 2023 Boulder County Fair, youth must do self-tagging and upload into 4HOnline by 5.04.2023

The following must be turned in for each pig:

  • State Fair nomination sheet designed to list multiple animals (used for Boulder County as well)
  • Front and Back complete
  • $4 tag fee per animal
  • Photos of each animal uploaded into 4Honline

Tags will be placed in the Right ear to comply with State Fair. 

The State Fair nomination sheet includes a pig drawing on the back for recording ear notches. Make sure you have recorded ear notches correctly. If the pig does not have ear notches, please put at least one notch in each ear prior to tagging your swine and completing the tag-in process. Consult a swine project leader or the Extension office for help recording ear notches. Ear notches will be checked at fair. PIGS NOT MATCHING THEIR NOMINATION CARD MAY BE INELIGIBLE FOR THE MARKET SWINE SHOW.

Be sure to check the new fair rules that outline the 2023 Boulder County Fair as a weight-class show. 

There is a $4 nomination fee per pig. This fee covers the cost of the tags and tagging equipment. Remember to include the fee in your record book.

Breeding Swine Nominations/Animal ID

Breeding swine is another project 4-H members may participate in. In order to identify your breeding animals for the Boulder County Fair, youth must attend the swine ID day or do self-tagging and upload into 4HOnline by the due date.

UPDATE: – Youth will need to identify their breeding swine and market swine twice through 4HOnline if they are the same animal. Remember: youth may dual enroll their gilts in the breeding swine and market swine project; however they must complete TWO record books on these animals. The information must be listed under the project columns of Market Swine as well as Breeding Swine.

If youth have animals that will NOT be showing at fair, but still part of their 4-H project, they will need to complete the form linked here to identify their animals: Animal ID