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The Extension office provides assistance and programs for the community without discrimination in five main areas: 4-H Youth Programs, Agriculture, Community Health, Horticulture, and Small Acreage Management.

Cloverbuds   arrow

Who are Cloverbud 4-H’ers?

Our youngest 4-H’ers aren’t quite ready to participate in many of the project areas and/or activities that older children do such as caring for or showing animals, shooting sports activities, launching rockets or baking. But there is still plenty for them to do in 4-H, starting with fun! Cloverbuds is an exciting 4-H program for 5, 6 or 7-year old children.

The emphasis is on participation, learning and teamwork, not competition. They might learn about nutrition while helping to prepare simple snacks, plant seeds and learn what to do to help them grow or decorate a cake to learn about elements of design and planning.

What do Cloverbuds do?

Cloverbuds are members in a 4-H club with a trained leader. Not all 4-H clubs have a Cloverbuds leader, so look for one that does. The youth participate in activities and special workshops and events throughout the year such as demonstrations, community service, and being a part of a team.

Cloverbuds focuses on curriculum that can be used at home or with a club.

Cloverbuds in Boulder County

Boulder County Cloverbud Program

Cloverbud Leader:
Karli Hardesty ~

Events & Opportunities

Cloverbud Activities

Cloverbuds can participate in many 4-H activities. Activities include: Participation in 4-H clubs, 4-H Fashion Revue, 4-H Carnival, Cat Show (stuffed cat only), Demonstration/Speech with club or participate at county contest, Creative Cooks, Performing Arts, Cake Decorating, Cloverbud Camp, and Cloverbud Kits.

Limitations of Cloverbuds

Cloverbud-aged children have limitations in what they can do physically, understand mentally, grasp emotionally, and how they interact socially, therefor activities for Cloverbuds are designed for youth ages 5-7. Special consideration is given to ensure emotional and physical safety. Activities that Cloverbuds do not participate in are:

  • Shooting sports
  • Raising animals
  • Baking
  • Launching rockets