Wolf Re-introduction Series
- 2020-09-22
- By alippold
- Posted in Natural Resources, Wildlife

Thursdays, Sept 24, Oct 8, 15 & 22
Wolf Re-introduction Series
This November, Colorado voters will go to the polls to vote on the reintroduction of wolves to Colorado. To learn more on both sides of the issue, a series of presentations will take place by the Institute for Science & Policy and Colorado State University Warner College of Natural Resources, in partnership with the Center for Collaborative Conservation, the Center for Human-Carnivore Coexistence, CSU Extension, and the Denver Museum of Nature & Science.
Wolves in Colorado: Science & Stories.
The episode titles and timing are:
Episode 1: The Science of Restoring Wolves to Colorado
Thursday, September 24 at 5 p.m. MT
Episode 2: Community Perspectives and Conflict over Wolves
Thursday, October 8 at 5 p.m. MT
Episode 3: The Values and Costs of Wolves
Thursday, October 15 at 5 p.m. MT
Episode 4: The Experience of Living With Wolves
Thursday, October 22 at 5 p.m. MT
These presentations are free and open to anyone. To learn more and to register: https://institute.dmns.org/perspectives/posts/wolves-in-colorado-science-stories/