How do I set up a grazing pasture management plan? In what ways should I deal with the weeds in my pasture, and can I expect to produce forage on my property? If you have these questions or others about your small acreage, the SAM program can assist you. We can provide advice on pasture management, weed management and other issues commonly encountered by small acreage owners. Call the Boulder County Extension Office number at 303-678-6238 and ask to be placed in the Small Acreage Management voice mailbox or e-mail lgonzalez@bouldercounty.gov. Small Acreage Management volunteers will return your call within a day. Hablamos espanol.
See tabs on the right for topic areas.
Small Acreage Management Volunteer Program
Applications are not currently being accepted.
Volunteers are trained to help clients deal with pasture management issues, and most are small acreage owners themselves. Subjects include; grazing, weed ID, weed control, fire mitigation, etc.
Natural Resources
More Small Acreage Sites
Boulder County Supporting Links
Parks & Open Space – Agriculture
Boulder County Food – Agriculture Systems
State & Local Resources
Colorado State University Small Acreage Management
Boulder County Parks & Open Space
Longmont & Boulder Valley Conservation Districts
CDA – Colorado Department of Agriculture
CSFS – Colorado State Forest Service
CDNR – Colorado Division of Natural Resources
NRCS – Natural Resources Conservation Service