Get Help On-line
Click here to expand or collapse this section, which contains information for on-line resources, publications, and blogs.-
- CSU Extension has several publications for the Colorado gardener. Fact Sheet are available on: Gardening Basics, Diseases, Flowers, Fruits & Vegetables, Trees and Shrubs, and Yard. GardenNotes (Master Gardener Publications) are more in-depth information from Colorado Master Gardener training, and publications for sale on topics include: flowers, fruits and vegetables, gardening basics, household plants and insects, and trees & shrubs.
- Ask an Expert Get expert answers and help from Cooperative Extension/University staff and volunteers from across the United States.
- Planttalk Colorado provides information on over 500 horticulture topics from Colorado horticulturists and professionals.
- Plant Select program is a leading non-profit cultivator, distributor and educator of plants designed to thrive in the high plains and inter-mountain region.
- Co-Horts blog provides advice and observations from your CSU Extension Horticulture Agents and Specialists.
- Visit the Boulder County Colorado Master Gardener Facebook page, filled with tips and fun information.
- Other blogs and online resources:
Services Available –
Click here to expand or collapse this section, which contains information on the Gardening Help Desk, plant diagnostic services for home owners and the green industry.Colorado Master Gardener
The Colorado Master Gardener help desk in Boulder County is open for phone calls, emails, or walk-in consultations every Monday and Thursday, and virtually on Fridays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. from March 1 through October 31. Email them at mggpa@bouldercounty.gov, or contact by phone at 303-678-6388.
Plant Diagnostic Services
Diagnostic services available: the CSU Extension Boulder County plant diagnostic services consist of paid staff and volunteers with specialized training in plant problem diagnosis through visual inspection and microscopy.
1. Visual plant diagnostics for identification of diseases, disorders, and insects. $7 Boulder County resident; $11 non-resident
2. Weed/Plant ID $4 each; Boulder county residents first 2 free.
3. Virus testing for Cucumber Mosaic virus, Impatiens Necrotic Spot virus, Tomato Spotted Wilt virus, and Tobacco Mosaic virus. $25
*Culturing and advanced diagnostic services available through the CSU Plant Diagnostic Clinic in Ft. Collins or the Jefferson County Plant Diagnostic Clinic in Golden.
Request a Site Visit
Click here to expand or collapse this section, which contains information on the Commercial Horticulture and HOA Site VisitsCommercial Horticulture & HOA Site Visits
Who: These site visits are for any commercially managed property including HOAs, parks, churches, businesses, etc. (not individual homeowner’s yard) and/or Green Industry clients with plant/landscape issues/questions.
What: The Boulder County Horticulture Agent will walk the property and assess overall landscape health and management. The Agent will identify plants and weeds, look at irrigation issues and answer your specific questions. There is a $75/hr. site visit fee and they typically last 1-2 hours depending on the size of the property. For an additional $25 the Agent will write up a comprehensive report detailing everything discussed during the visit and will include recommendations and resources.
How: Please contact Sheila Prentice at 303-678-6022 or sprentice@bouldercounty.gov
When: Site visits are typically conducted during the growing season (April-October), but they will be scheduled outside of that time if necessary.
Boulder County COVID-19 site visit protocol:
The Horticulture Agent and client will maintain a minimum of 6’ physical distance (10’ is preferred) during the site visit. No momentary violations of this distance are allowed at any time.
The Horticulture Agent will either sanitize their hands prior to and after the visit or wear gloves.
Both parties must wear a mask at all time. If the client is unwilling to wear a mask, it will be the Agent’s decision whether to proceed or stop with the site visit. If at any time, the client decides to discontinue wearing their mask, the Agent may make the determination to end the visit.
The Agent will not provide the client with any printed material on-site and an invoice for services rendered will be sent after the visit. Materials that cannot be sent via e-mail will be mailed through the United State Post Office.
Client’s contact information will not be shared with anyone unless contract tracing is required for COVID-19.
*** On the day of the scheduled visit, if you have or have had any of the following symptoms: fever, cough, body aches, fatigue or chest tightness, or if you have been in contact with someone who has experience these symptoms in the last two weeks, please be courteous and call to reschedule the site visit or allow the Agent to perform the visit alone. The Agent will provide the client the same courtesy if they are not feeling well. ***
At this time, we are conducting digital diagnostics via the Master Gardener Help Desk (mggpa@bouldercounty.gov). To submit a plant problem question, please attach photos of the problem following the steps found in the document Digital Photography for Plant Problem Diagnosis or Plant ID.
Resources en Español
Consultation Services
Call the Boulder County Extension office main desk at 303-678-6238 for consultation services including Site Visits, Plant ID, Disease Diagnosis, Problem Solving Help.